A Very Merry Christmas to All

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Passion

I Have been wanting to start an art  Blog for a long time. I've been doing crafts /art for more years then I care to count. Worked in all mediums and sold  commissioned works....but when I look at some of the work that is out there, I am in absolute awe. What talented, creative people I have met along the way. One of those talented artist is Cherie. I am lucky enough to own several pieces  that were gifted to me by Cherie and I am honored.
She recently told me about a swap dealing in Easter Eggs. I love eggs...I love there shape, the fact they are so naturally beautiful and can be made into so many different things (trust me, I've played with eggs for years) I even have a small collection of eggs, both real and man made.
I quickly went to Cindy's site hoping I could squeeze under the wire. Cindy graciously welcomed me aboard and then panic set in.
How can I put myself in the same category with all these fabulously talented people? I must be nuts...Two sandwiches short of a picnic as  Dad used to say.
I  also joined a Spring swap in another group. We are making banners. What was I thinking?
I figured I'm already pressed for time so why not just go for the whole enchilada and start that Blog I've been dreaming about.
So here I am. I will probably throw in some pictures of things I've made along the way. But I'd like to start fresh, with all the newness of my new Journey along this path into  a fantasy world I have long dreamt about. I find comfort in make believe. It is a nice escape from the stress of life.
I found myself looking at empty eggshells. It seems like such a waste to throw them away after their insides have been used for nourishment...so I clean and boil egg shells and keep them neatly in egg cartons for some special use down the road. I have  guinea hen eggs, chicken, duck and Emu...This is a perfect project for Chicken eggs..I'm taking step by step pictures so you can follow along. I will just take finished pictures of the Banners...So let the fun begin...

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