A Very Merry Christmas to All

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Color me Crazy

WOW!! What a time it has been. I am a pretty private person, so the details of my crazy life are not as important as the fact that it has made "play time" difficult. Oh I manage, but the pressure of swaps became to much and I had to stop. At least for now. I will still try and do them now and again but I love to join swaps and I give 110% of myself to each one. It takes it toll. I know I'm not alone. I'm guessing this is what is called "Burn Out" , when you just hot a wall and fall.
I belong to this amazing doll group. I'm not even sure they do swaps but they do challenges and they give you months to finish, You get to keep what you do, which is also a plus for me. I always end up so in love with what I do I hate giving it up...Isn't that terrible? I'm really not at all a selfish person...I just become attached LOL Someone suggested making two. Are you kidding me? I give everything I have to one, two would kill me. Like I say, I will still do swaps...but for a while I have to curtail my activity and worry about me and my health for a change.
Meanwhile one of my groups is playing BINGO, Now there is something stress free and fun. WE had to make BINGO cards, put in words (we were given a bunch of words for each letter) and then send it to someone. We in turn got a Bingo card from someone else with words they picked.
So her is my Bingo card that went to LA.
Well I couldn't give the words away could I? Please note I used antique Bingo Chips LOL when was the last time you saw someone use Bingo Chips? My card is from my friend Mary...she does just beautiful work..I have figured out a way to use it without making a mess LOL I want to hang it in my studio.

Isn't it beautiful?? So that's it for today...there is much more going on and oh so many pictures. I'm working on a light bulb tutorial also. I found an easier way then the way I saw to clean out light bulbs.
I'm trying to get here more often. organizing ones life is NOT an easy job.

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