I start each day with meditation. It's when I take the time to be thankful for all who have touched my life. It's when I remember those who have passed, those who are sick or afraid. I pick a phrase and then meditate on how it relates to my life, how I can use it to better myself or someone else.
I recently made up an altered tin with some of my favorite words of wisdom. It was a gift well received and the person said "why don't you sell these"?
I had never given that much thought, I will now, but I did wonder why I don't share those words.
I think everyone can benefit by meditation. By a little bit of soul searching. So I think I will include "words of wisdom" in my postings from now on. I know there are many who follow this Blog. You write and tell me how you love my art or how you appreciate my honesty or my humor. I love the e-mails I get regarding this Blog. I want to give something back and I think the best way to do that is to give you something to think about. It is my hope that when you read these words you will ask yourself how they apply to you and how you can use it in your life today.
So here's the thought for today: If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future.If you are at peace, you are living in the present.
Today I wish you peace.....
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